The Roads Interview Series.

Organization: All Roads Magazine

The Roads is an interview series with amazing people doing amazing things. From actors to writers to teachers to entrepreneurs, there’s lots of voices to learn from and be inspired by.

For this audio series I produced every aspect from start to finish. I vetted and chose each guest, wrote interview questions, set-up interview times, researched and selected the audio equipment to record guests virtually (Ringr), picked the music, edited the audio, wrote episode descriptions and trigger warnings, and managed the website and social media.


The Dark Driver.

Organization: All Roads Magazine

The Dark Driver is a new horror audio experience from All Roads Magazine, featuring creepy tales and atmospheric sound.

This was another project in which I produced every aspect from start to finish. I conceived both ideas, wrote the sound stories and script, researched and selected the sound effects, obtained permissions to use the music, recorded, narrated, and edited the audio, wrote descriptions, and managed the website and social media.

This project is currently ongoing and will eventually be a four episode podcast.

Sound credits: The Teaser music is Night Sound, generously provided by the super cool, super talented Prom Queen (Leeni Ramadan). The music for the Trailer was provided by AG Music via Melody Loops. And the sound effects for both were provided by various contributors via, National Parks Service,, and


And wherever you get your podcasts!

Experimental Horror Short.

This is an experimental short horror piece that explores how the terrifying can find you in the most benign but also vulnerable of places. It follows a young grad student who gets more than she bargained for at the end of a long day. There is no dialogue, narration, or music. It is made up entirely of sound from a variety of contributors on, generously provided under a Creative Commons/public domain license. 

This project is currently ongoing.

Image credit: Jan Antonin Kolar via Unsplash.


Dialect Blog Tutorial.

Organization: Dialect Blog (Standard British Tutorial)

Dialect Blog is a blog and online resource for novice linguistic enthusiasts.

For this project I collaborated with the creator on producing a dynamic learning experience for users of his Standard British Tutorial. This included a fifty-page written tutorial and an accompanying audio program.

My role in the audio portion included co-writing the narration script, recording the voice over, providing direction for the other voice actor, and editing the audio.

Dialect Blog owner and content creator: Ben Trawick-Smith

dialect blog tutorial

A Conversation on Master Planning.

Organization: American Public Gardens Association (APGA)

The American Public Gardens Association is the leading professional organization for the field of public horticulture.

For this project, I took an existing Zoom video file and adapted the interview for audio only. To create a cohesive narrative, I collaborated with the Association’s Program Manager on defining the most interesting and relevant beats, cutting unnecessary pauses and tangents, and inserting logical breaks. I also removed the video and edited the audio files, resolved audio issues, created the title image, wrote descriptions and credits, and uploaded the file to YouTube and Vimeo.